Public Health Genetics

Our public health genetics faculty study the implementation of genetic initiatives including access to genetic services, genetic literacy, genetic policy, and patient advocacy, and work with our students to integrate human genetics and the public health science disciplines of epidemiology, behavioral and community health sciences, biostatistics, environmental health, and health services research with ethics, social sciences, public affairs, and law.

PubMed Search Results

Faculty Research
Brenda Diergaarde
Brenda Diergaarde

Research: Role of environmental, lifestyle, and (epi)genetic factors in the development, progression and treatment of cancer, including cancers of the lung, head & neck, colon and breast; Biomarkers for early detection of cancer, response to treatment, and risk stratification; Cancer Prevention; Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology; Science & Technology Studies; Research Ethics

Andrea Durst
Andrea L. Durst

Practice/Research: Public health genetics, genetic counseling and cancer genetics. Specifically, she is interested in the state implementation of CDC Tier 1 Genomic Applications for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer syndrome, Lynch syndrome and Familial Hypercholesterolemia.

Wenndy Hernandez
Wenndy Hernández

Research: Application of genetic, multi-omic, and pharmacogenomics approaches to cardiovascular diseases in African Americans. Reducing health disparities through translational research.

Ryan Minster
Ryan L. Minster

Research: Genetics of complex traits (body composition, cardiometabolic disease, obesity, healthy aging). The role that genetics plays in phenotypes among the people of Samoa and American Samoa. Genetic determinants of organ damage in individuals with sickle cell disease in Africa. Ethical, legal, and social implications of genetics research.