Andrea L Durst

  • Assistant Professor and Vice Chair for Practice
  • Associate Director, Genetic Counseling Program
  • Director, MPH in Public Health Genetics Program
  • Faculty in Human Genetics

Contributions to Public Health

  • I have been a faculty member in the Department of Human Genetics since 2015.  I am the Director of the MPH in Public Health Genetics Program and Associate Director of the Genetic Counseling Program, where I participate in teaching, advising, essay/thesis mentoring, and practicum/rotation coordination.  In 2018, I was honored to have been awarded the NSGC Audrey Heimler Special Project Award, which enabled me to increase awareness of public health genetics among genetic counseling students and early career professionals. 
  • I have worked in several areas of public health genetics and genetic counseling focusing on cancer genetics, genetic literacy, improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field, and increasing access to genetic services. I work with the NHGRI Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics as part of the LGBTQI+ Issues in Genomics, am a member of the Genetic Counseling Program’s DEI Committee, an AGCPD Task Force to look at factors impacting ABGC certification exam pass rates, and as Associate Editor in Genetic Literacy for the Journal of Community Genetics.
    • Myers, M. F., Bergner, A., Conway, L., Duquette, D., Durst, A. L., Yashar, B. M., Zhang, X., & Campion, M. (2022). A report of the AGCPD task force to evaluate associations between select admissions requirements, demographics, and performance on ABGC certification examination. Journal of genetic counseling31(2), 302–315.
    • Durst AL and Mills R.  (2021). Education in Genetic Counseling: Genetic Literacy and Adult Learning. In LeRoy BS, McCarthy Veach P, and Callanan NP (Eds.). Genetic Counseling Practice: Advanced Concepts and Skills (pp. 271-304). Wiley & Sons, Ltd
  • Dr. Durst served on the leadership team for the New York Mid-Atlantic and Caribbean (NYMAC) Regional Genetics Network from 2017-2024.  NYMAC worked to ensure that individuals with heritable conditions and their families have access to quality care and appropriate genetic expertise.  Dr. Durst was Chair of the Advisory Committee and participated in the Pennsylvania NYMAC team that looked to address genetic services access issues in PA. She has mentored several student projects in collaboration with NYMAC.
    • NYMAC Regional Genetics Network Pennsylvania Team Page 
    • Reding M, Durst A, Bovee Terry A, Raspa M, Bodurtha J, Caggana M. (September 2021). Regional Challenges and Advances in Telegenetics During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Accepted for presentation at the 2021 NSGC Annual Conference. Poster Presentation.
  • Dr. Durst serves as Co-Chair for the Pennsylvania Cancer Coalition’s Cancer Genetics/Genomics Workgroup. The workgroup aims to implement programs to help meet the goals related to cancer genetics and genomics that are outlined in the PA Cancer Control Plan in an effort to decrease cancer-related morbidity and mortality.
  • Dr. Durst is dedicated to advancing the field of Public Health Genetics, as demonstrated through work with the American Public Health Association (APHA) Genomics Forum. She has served as the Chair of Membership and Communication and most recently Co-Chair of the Forum. The Forum plans the Public Health Genetics track at the APHA Conference, holds a business meeting, and communicates Public Health Genetics to its members. She has also mentored student projects in collaboration with the Forum.
    • Jacko AM, Durst AL, Niemchick KL, Modell SM, Ponte AH.  (2023). Public Health Genetics: Surveying Preparedness for the Next Generation of Public Health Professionals.  Genes, 14(2): 317.

2003 | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY | BS, Biology, cum laude
2005 | University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC | MS, Genetic Counseling
2015 | University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY | DrPH, Health Management and Policy


Current Teaching:

  • HUGEN 2036 Genetic Counseling Internship
  • HUGEN 2037 Genetic Counseling Professional Development and Research
  • HUGEN 2056 Genetic Conditions and Public Health Programs
  • HUGEN 2047 Clinical Genetics Case Conference
  • HUGEN 2049 Introduction to Public Health Genetics
  • HUGEN 2054 Applications in Public Health Genetics and Genomics
  • HUGEN 2061 Cancer Genetic Counseling

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