Center for Public Health Practice

Environmental Justice Summit 2024

Reflections, Connections, and Collaborative Action in the Pittsburgh Region

May 9-11

The summit addressed environmental health disparities, including cancer, due to environmental injustices and featured keynote speaker Sacoby Wilson. Multiple panels and activities throughout the day engaged attendees with community members, community organizations and academic researchers all interested in freeing ourselves and our communities from the environmental injustices that abound in our region. The summit included a one-day academic symposium with multiple community offerings.


  • To connect like-minded environmental justice scholars and practitioners
  • To create a community of practice focused on addressing environmental injustices
  • To offer community/healing events for people impacted by environmental injustices and/or working in environmental justice

Co-hosted by CPHP and the Cancer and Environment Network of Southwestern Pennsylvania.


Read more>>
Pitt Public Health story
Pittsburgh Courier article
View full schedule (PDF)
Event program (PDF)