FAQ - CV Template

Is this template mandatory?

You may choose to use the template for the 2024 performance review, however it must be used for the 2025 review cycle.  It must also be used for all promotion and tenure actions submitted to FAPTC after the effective date.  New hires do not need to follow this format.

What does "academic interest" mean?

Use this space to list three interests – within the areas of teaching, research, and/or practice.

Why are non-academic positions separated from academic appointments? 

Some faculty members may have public sector experience that is relevant to their career and provides important information about their experience and expertise that they wish to communicate.  For example, private sector positions, or public sector such as director of a city, county or state department of health or aging.

What sections are optional? What do I do if I don't have anything to list in a category? 

Some sections are marked with the word [OPTIONAL].  You can delete these sections if they do not apply.  You may also delete any sub-section that would be empty.  Simply continue the sub-section numbering.

What if I don't have anything in a section or sub-section, but it is not marked as optional? Can I delete it?


What if my % effort changes over the time of the grant?

Put the overall average or the range.

I don't like Times New Roman. Can I use a different font?

Certainly! You may choose any font you like. 

Do I need to center the section headings? What if I want to have different colors or horizontal lines to divide sections?

Feel free to adjust the style as you see fit.  Please retain the names of the main sections and sub-sections so that your department chair and others can easily find your activities.

What are examples of certifications and licensure?

This section is optional.  It can be used to document medical training, licensure or specialty certifications, as well as law licenses.  Other certificates, such as training in implementation science, or evaluation, can be listed here.

Should the research and training sections list current or past funding?

This section should list current and past funding should in order of end of grant/contract year, most recent at the top.

How do I designate my role if I am not the PI?

Use the second column to specify your role:
            Principal Investigator (PI)

            Multiple Principal Investigator (MPI)

            Program Project Principal Investigator (PPPI)

You can add a note under the table to clarify the abbreviation if needed. 

For example: 

2023 to 2028 1U18HS029924 The Pitt IMProving Access to Culturally relevant long COVID care and Treatment (IMPACCT) Program (MPI: Morris, A., Degenholtz, H., Sciurba, F.) AHRQ $10,000 10%
What if I am a site PI or subcontractor or co-investigator? Should I put the total cost of the grant or just my section?

Put the most accurate information you have. If you report your budget, then annotate the description to clarify that it is the site or sub-contract budget. 

For example: 

2023 to 2028 1R01HS029453 Integrating Medicare and Medicaid coverage in managed care: effects on quality, utilization, and disparities (PI: Roberts, E., University of Pennsylvania) AHRQ $10,000 5%
Why is there a section for grants and contracts pending?

This section is required for annual performance evaluations and promotion dossiers, but optional for public facing versions.  This section should include a statement of the status of the application, e.g., submitted, reviewed, scored, percentile, etc.

What are invited presentations and why is this under research activities rather than presentations?

Invited lectures are presentations invited by another department, school in University, another University, government agency, etc. related to your core research. This does not include presentations affiliated with submitted abstracts. Submitted abstracts (e.g., podium presentations or symposia) are typically competitive and peer reviewed, and are more similar to publications. This includes keynote presentations, for example.

Where should I list review articles that have been peer reviewed?

These can be listed in chronological order under “Refereed Articles…”. You may designate these articles with a (Dagger) symbol at the beginning of each reference. Optionally, you may place these papers in a separate section under the heading, “Review Articles” if this is the practice in your discipline.

Where should I list methodological articles that have been peer-reviewed?

These can be listed in chronological order under “Refereed Articles…”. You may designate these articles with a (Double Dagger) symbol at the beginning of each reference. Optionally, you may place these papers in a separate section with the heading “Methodological Articles” if this is the practice in your discipline.

What are published proceedings? Is this different than a published abstract or presentation?

This varies by field. Choose the category that is most appropriate for the organization or publication where your work is cataloged.  Specific Guidance:

  • Examples of published proceedings are National Academies of Science
  • Provide detail on whether the presentation was a poster or podium presentation
  • Asterisk to designate presenting author
  • List presentations that result from research submissions (not invited)
I have a student who won an award. Should I list that on my CV?

If you are a co-author on an award-winning project, then it is appropriate to list it on your CV under Honors.  However, the name of the student should be clearly identified. If a student paper or poster wins an award, then identify the award with an * under the appropriate entry under Publications.

What are other publications?

Use this section to list non-peer review publications including newspaper articles, podcasts, blog postings, or other media where you are an author. Do not use this for media coverage of your research or interviews.

Can I include media coverage of my research or interviews? If so, where?

There is no standard section for media coverage or interviews. Feel free to create your own section to record these if applicable for you.

Does service to school and university include only Pitt?

This can include service provided to other Universities (ie. Past appointments or external review). List the name of the institution in the “Committee” column.

Where should I list major programmatic activities related to teaching or training?

If you are faculty on a training grant, it should go under research. If you serve on a curriculum committee, for example, you can list under “Service to the School and University.” Feel free to include a brief description of a major activity. For example, “Revised MPH curriculum in 2023” or “Developed new Doctoral Program in 2003.” Lengthy descriptions of these activities are at your discretion. However, your CV should be considered first and foremost a public summary of your career, and not a biography. The CV does not replace the detailed narrative used for purpose of annual performance review and promotion.

How do I list journals that I review for? 

List the different journals that you have reviewed.  You may optionally wish to add the year of the most recent review.  You should remove journals that you have not reviewed for recently. 

Where do I list public health practice activities?

Under the section “Clinical and Practice Related Activities” there is a sub-section for public health practice. For example, you can list effort working at the Department of Health, managing a public health program. Please use this section for practice activities as opposed to research activities.

Under public health practice, what do I put for time devoted...?

If you are a full-time faculty person and part of your responsibilities include practice related activities (e.g., one day per week at a County Health Department), then list that effort level. If your practice related activities are in addition to your full-time position, then you may list it in this section. If you are part-time faculty and are also employed at a public health organization, then you may choose to list that role under Appointments and Positions under the “non-academic” sub-heading. You can use this space to provide additional detail on your responsibilities.

Send questions, comments and suggestions to faptc@pitt.edu