Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee

EPCC is one of the standing committees of the Pitt Public Health Council composed of one elected faculty member from each department and two representatives of the student body, one master's and one doctoral. The associate deans for enrollment and academic affairs, the director of student affairs, and the director of the MMPH program are ex-officio, non-voting members. 

The charge of the committee is to establish and update the academic policies and procedures for the school as well as reviewing and recommending action to the Council on all curriculum changes.

Committee Members

Faculty Members

EPCC Chair
Ryan Minster

Departmental Faculty Representatives

Elizabeth Felter, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences
Lu Tang, Biostatistics
Nesta Bortey-Sam, Environmental and Occupational Health
Elsa Strotmeyer, Epidemiology
Kevin Broom, Health Policy and Management
Ryan Minster, Human Genetics
Josh Mattila, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology

Back-up Departmental Faculty Representatives

Thistle Elias, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences
Haley Grant, Biostatistics
Firoz Abdoel Wahid, Environmental and Occupational Health
Anthony Fabio, Epidemiology
Cindy Bryce, Health Policy and Management
Zsolt Urban, Human Genetics
Sarah Krier, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology

Ex-Officio Members

Jessica Burke, Vice Dean
Michael Dolinger, Director of Student Services
Tina Hershey, MMPH Program Co-Director
Michelle Ehrich, Educational Programs Specialist and EPCC Staff Liaison
Renee Valenti, Director of Educational Programs and Accreditation Initiatives
Ada Youk, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Tiffany Gary-Webb, Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion

Student Members, AY 2023-24

Ava Polakowski, BSPH
Brooke Shapiro, BSPH
Ashley Wald, BSPH
Aubree McMahon, BCHS MPH
Gloria Akhadelor, EPI MPH
Sarah Avina, HPM PhD (backup)
Rob Gresser, EOH MPH  (backup)

Terms of Office for Committee Members

Standing Committee as of 2022-23 Academic Year: 

Elizabeth Felter, BCHS - second term expires 2026

Lu Tang, Biost - first term expires 2026

Nesta Bortey-Sam, EOH - first term expires 2025

Elsa Strotmeyer, Epi - first term expires 2024

Kevin Broom, HPM - first term expires 2024

Ryan Minster, Hugen - first term expires 2024

Josh Mattila, IDM - first term expires 2025

Upcoming EPCC Schedule

EPCC will meet the first Thursday of the month from 1:30-3:30 p.m. The July meeting will be the second Thursday due to the Independence Day holiday.

Contact for the Zoom meeting link. 

Access the meeting schedule on Sharepoint
Deadlines for New and Modified Courses and Programs

EPCC deadlines are based on those required by the Office of the Registrar for updates to the course catalog. In general, they are due about a month before the end of the term one year before the course or program will be initially offered. Please visit the EPCC SharePoint for upcoming due dates and the relevant forms.

Email with any questions.

Submit a Proposal

Steps to Submit a New or Modified Program or Course

The committee reviews all new courses, major and minor revisions to courses, new degree programs, and major revisions to programs, as well as policies. Faculty needing to obtain EPCC approval for a course, program, or policy must complete the appropriate forms and submit them in time for the next committee meeting.

Steps for Submitting a New or Modified Program or Course

  1. Complete the required forms.
  2. Review application and draft syllabus with your department's EPCC representative. 
  3. Submit completed forms and any other required attachments via email to at a minimum of two weeks before the next EPCC meeting to allow time for review and to address questions or concerns. 
  4. Present the proposal to the EPCC. The EPCC staff liaison will schedule a presentation for an upcoming EPCC meeting. A faculty member planning to teach or sponsor the course must present in person.
  5. After EPCC approval, all paperwork for new/modified courses must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs in advance of applicable deadlines.

Contact with any questions prior to submissions.

Required Documents for EPCC Submissions



New Academic Program


Revised Academic Program


New Course 

Revised Course - Major Modifications

Revised Course - Minor Modifications**

Signed hard copy of Academic Planning Proposal Checklist*

Academic program proposal

Cover letter

(see New Academic Program Review Process  form for details)

New Course/Course Change Request form with Completed Syllabus Checklist (page 5 & 6)    


Memo to EPCC chair and staff liaison      


The memo should include: why & when the revision is taking place and any pertinent course-related information (i.e. copy of the current title or course description).

Forms for EPCC Submissions

Course Description Update Form
Enrollment Requirement Update Form

New or Modified Academic Programs

Checklist for Academic Planning Proposals
New Academic Program Review Process
Office of the Provost - Academic Planning Resources
Office of the Provost - Certificate Information

For New or Modified Program Request Forms, Access on Sharepoint

New or Modified Courses

Access on Sharepoint

Syllabi Templates and Checklists

Access on Sharepoint


Forms for Teaching and Advising

Required Syllabi Statements

Academic Integrity
Disability Services
Sexual Misconduct, Required Reporting, and Title IX
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Optional Syllabi Statements

Content Warning and Class Climate Statement
Copyright Notice
Email Communication
Gender Inclusive Language Statement
Health and Safety Statement
Religious Observances
Statement on Classroom Recording
Statement on Scholarly Discourse
Your Well-being Matters

Health Sciences Library and Pitt Public Health Librarian

If the course is research intensive, it is strongly recommended to include the information for the Health Sciences Library System and the school's dedicated librarian, Helena VonVille, and a statement about your expectations or recommendation for students to utilize the services and facility. 

University Writing Center

If the course is writing intensive, it is recommended to include the information for the Writing Center and a statement about your expectation or recommendation for students to utilize the services. 

Core Course Grade Policy

Strongly encouraged syllabus statement; revised 8/23/22

A grade of B or better is expected for all School of Public Health core courses. A grade of C or better is required for these core classes. 

If a student earns a grade below a B (B-, C+, or C) they should meet with their advisor and program director to discuss the grade. In these cases, the student may be encouraged to re-take the course. The final decision will be left to the program director and the student. 

For Public Health Core Courses Only: 

  • PUBHLT 2011: Essentials of Public Health (MHA, MS, PhD)
  • PUBHLT 2015: Public Health Biology (MPH)
  • BIOST 2011: Principles of Statistical Reasoning (MPH)
  • Or BIOST 2041: Introduction to Statistical Methods (MPH)
  • EPIDEM 2110: Principles of Epidemiology (MPH, MS, PHD)
  • BCHS 2509: Social and Behavioral Sciences and Public Health (MPH, excludes BCHS)
  • EOH 2013: Environmental Health and Disease (MPH, excludes EOH)
  • HPM 2001: Health Policy and Management in Public Health (MPH)
  • PUBHLT 2022: The Dean's Public Health Grand Rounds (All Degrees)
  • PUBHLT 2033: Foundations in Public Health (MPH)
  • PUBHLT 2034: Public Health Communications (MPH)
  • PUBHLT 2035: Applications in Public Health (MPH)

Syllabus Checklist from the University Center for Teaching and Learning
Syllabi Statements (word doc)

For Advising 

Independent Study Form

For Teaching 

Academic Integrity Violation Form
New Teachers Resource Page

Teaching and Curricular Design Resources

Bloom’s Taxonomy Guide (PDF) | from the University Center for Teaching and Learning

Integrating Technology with Bloom's Technology | from Arizona State University

The Six Major Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain (PDF) | National Teaching and Learning Forum