Health Policy and Management

Associate Professor, Vice Chair for Education
Associate Dean for Enrollment, Associate Professor
Research Associate Professor
Associate Professor and Co-Director, MPH and MPH/JD Programs
M. Allen Pond Professor and Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Policy and Planning, Health Sciences
Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Practice
Research Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Distinguished Professor and Director, Public Health Dynamics Lab
Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Research
Recruitment and Academic Affairs Administrator
Communications Specialist
Project Coordinator
Qualitative Research Assistant
Lecturer and Director, Diversity Strategy Execution and Workplace Inclusion, UPMC Center for Engagement and Inclusion
Lecturer and Associate Partner, Accenture
Lecturer and President, Chief Executive Officer
Associate Professor (retired)
Associate Professor Emeritus
Distinguished Professor and Mitchell P. Fink Endowed Chair, Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine
Professor and Director, Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing
Professor and Vice Chair, Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine