Robin E Grubs

  • Associate Professor

Contributions to Public Health

  • My academic interests focus on the teaching and training of genetic counseling and human genetic students. I teach courses in genetic counseling and ethical issues related to genetics
    • Riconda D, Grubs RE, Campion MW, Cragun D (2018). Genetic counselor training for the next generation: Where do we go from here? Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 178 (1): 38-45. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.31598 [PMID: 29512933]
    • Parker LS, Grubs RE (2014). Ethical considerations regarding classroom use of personal genomic information. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 15(2):191-196. doi: [PMID: 25574277]
  • I have been a member of the Genetic Counseling Program Leadership Team for 25 years and have had the privilege of training several hundred genetic counseling students
  • My research interests include decision making related to genetic testing, the psychosocial aspects of living with genetic risk, and genetic counseling service delivery models. I have published on genetic counseling education, psychosocial effects of genetic testing, and the use of qualitative methods in genetic counseling research
    • Zakas AL, Leifeste C, Dudley B, Karloski E, Afonso S, Grubs RE, Shaffer JR, Durst AL, Parkinson MD, Brand R (2019). The impact of genetic counseling on patient engagement in a specialty cancer clinic. Journal of Genetic Counseling. doi: 10.1002/jgc4.1149.[PMID: 31293033]
    • Cohen SA, Huziak RC, Gustafson S, Grubs RE (2016). Analysis of advantages, limitations, and barriers of genetic counseling service delivery models. Journal of Genetic Counseling. doi: 10.1007/s10897-016-9932-2. [PMID: 26762366]
  • In 2015 I received the James L. Craig Excellence in Teaching Award and in 2019 received the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award
  • Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY | BS, Biological Sciences | 1987 | magna cum laude
  • University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | MS, Genetic Counseling | 1991
  • University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | PhD, Human Genetics | 2002
  • HUGEN 2035: Principles of Genetic Counseling
  • HUGEN 2037: Genetic Counseling Professional Development and Research Summer Series
  • HUGEN 2038: Intervention Skills in Genetic Counseling
  • HUGEN 2039: Risk Calculation for Genetic Counseling
  • HUGEN 2047: Clinical Case Conference
  • HUGEN 2052: Ethical Issues in Genetic Counseling
  • HUGEN 2062: Ethical Issues in Public Health Genetics and Research

